I wrote C# function that Stamping the content of text file (text and hyper links) at the front of the select pages (selected by the user) from the PDF .
This C# function stamp the text with aligning the text at the center of the selected pages ,the function based on the latest library called ItextCharp ( iTextSharp 4.0.8 (2008-01-25) .
Download the library from here
# (iTextSharp) is a port of the iText open source java library written entirely in C# for the .NET platform.
iText is a library that allows you to generate PDF files on the fly. It is implemented as an assembly.
Parameter Example :
string sourcefile --> "input.pdf"
string SaveFileName--> "output.pdf"
float Y_space --> 405
float lead--> 25
float FontSize --> 12
string TxtFileName--> "textostamp.txt"
string _Font --> "HELVETICA"
string pagesRange --> "3,6,8" or "3-6,9-15"
you must to import this namespaces :)
using System.IO;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using iTextSharp.text;
/* StamperTxt is a class which stamps the content of text file (text and hyper links)
* at the front of the select pages (selected by the user)from the PDF .
* */ public StamperTxt(string sourcefile, string SaveFileName, float Y_space, float lead, float FontSize, string TxtFileName, string _Font , string pagesRange)
PdfReader pdfreader = new PdfReader(sourcefile);
float pagewidth = pdfreader.GetPageSize(1).Width;
int j = pdfreader.NumberOfPages;
bool[] flag ;
flag = new bool[j];
for (int i = 0; i <>
flag[i] = false;
if ((pagesRange.Trim() == "all" )&&(pagesRange.IndexOf("-") == -1 )&&(pagesRange.IndexOf(",") == -1 ) )
for (int ii = 0; ii <>
flag[ii] = true;
else if ((pagesRange.IndexOf("-") != -1))
string[] tempArr = pagesRange.Trim().Split(',');
foreach (string str in tempArr)
string[] tempArrhyphen = str.Trim().Split('-');
int startIndex = 0, endIndex = 0;
startIndex =int.Parse(tempArrhyphen[0].Trim());
endIndex = int.Parse(tempArrhyphen[1].Trim());
for (int s = startIndex; s <= endIndex; s++)
flag[s-1] = true;
else if ((pagesRange.IndexOf(',') > -1))
string[] tempArr = pagesRange.Trim().Split(',');
foreach (string str in tempArr)
int index = int.Parse(str);
flag[index-1] = true;
} PdfGState pdfgstate = new PdfGState();
pdfgstate.FillOpacity = 1.0f;
Stream output_stream = new FileStream(SaveFileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
PdfStamper pdfstamper = new PdfStamper(pdfreader, output_stream);
for (int k = 0; k <>
if (flag[k] != true)
PdfContentByte pdfcontentbyte = pdfstamper.GetOverContent(k+1);
float v_space = Y_space;
BaseFont PF = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.WINANSI, false) ;
pdfcontentbyte. SetFontAndSize(PF , FontSize);
StreamReader SR;
string S;
SR = File.OpenText(TxtFileName);
ArrayList chunklist = new ArrayList();
S = SR.ReadLine();
while (S != null) {
Chunk chk = new Chunk(S + "\r\n", FontFactory.GetFont(_Font, FontSize, Font.NORMAL));
if (S.IndexOf("http:/") > -1)
chk = new Chunk(S + "\r\n", FontFactory.GetFont(_Font, FontSize, Font.UNDERLINE));
S = SR.ReadLine();
Phrase PH = new Phrase();
PH.Font = FontFactory.GetFont(_Font, FontSize, Font.NORMAL);
PH.Leading = lead;
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1);
table.DefaultCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
table.DefaultCell.SetLeading(lead, 0);
table.TotalWidth = pagewidth;
table.HorizontalAlignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
table.DefaultCell.HorizontalAlignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
table.HorizontalAlignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_CENTER;
table.DefaultCell.HorizontalAlignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_CENTER;
table.WriteSelectedRows(0, -1,0, v_space, pdfcontentbyte);
byte[] arr = pdfstamper.Writer.XmpMetadata;
Console.WriteLine(SaveFileName + "Was Created in Success...");
}////end Function
.. more.